Acrylic Painting, 8×12 inches, age 16

Water Color Painting, 8×12 inches, age 17

The two paintings above were companion pieces through my late teens, twenties and mid-thirties. They were with me when I moved from Eureka CA to Phoenix AZ and then into the Air Force where they hung on my dorm room walls. I kept them safe all through college as well until I moved to Los Angeles. I painted them in high-school and they were toted by me for almost two decades until I submitted them to the Library of Congress when I was around thirty-five years of age (Case# 1-1796496641).
Dances Moves, Three Eighths Signature
I’ve decided to post something new here to Studies because I have had something that has been in the back-water of my mind. This page is for things that I’ve been thinking about but I’m not necessarily focusing on; I’ve had a few ideas about dance that I got from the signature of music. I’m not a dancer but I think about dance and I’ve often found myself dancing while trying to figure things out in music. Eventually, I came up with a complete thought in dance and I felt it would be good here in Studies because, again, it is something in the back of my mind. Enjoy the piece and please excuse the shirtless routine (wink). Next time I will remember to wear a body suit or leotard.
Excerpt From Sheet Music, Song (Troublesome Notes, On Love)
I’ve decided to develop my studies page a little more with a session from an excerpt of sheet music. Such a unique and interesting song came from a sample of music taken from sheet music that I composed from “Troublesome Notes.” These notes needed some place new so I cut them out of a different piece and then filled in the remaining measures by ear using music software that helps me to write down music. The sheet music is call “Troublesome Notes,” and the song is called “Troublesome Notes on Love” because I added lyrics. Measures 1-3 are the measures I used for the song but the entire piece is the sheet music. Have a look if that’s your thing and tell the world what you think.
Intimate And Up Close: Candid Notes Taken Down While Having Just Turned 30
While living in Los Angles my third time trying to move there after having graduated from ASU in 2007 (which made me 30 at the time), I would often write motivational passages to myself. I’ve read them before and I can never discard them because I knew my heart was in the right place, though I was acting a little headstrong at the time with an ego from college that did not match my resume in the real world, I kept them even up until now. Studies is a good place to show the one I found along with a sketch I made with a stylus pad. I had a tiny little bachelor’s unit in Pico Union and I loved those first two years in Los Angeles my third time around trying to break into a new city. I finally nailed a good job and I was doing great in a huge dangerous city (so headstrong but thirty is still fairly young). This is just a little extra that never made it into my journal at the time I wrote it because I was self-conscious:
“After 30, one of two things will happen. You either settle down or you get your second wind. Whew! I think I’m on my way. I just landed a decent job in Los Angeles, got my loans in check, got my screenplay written, got my resume up to speed (I don’t want to work retail or wait tables while I chase my dream), made some new friends, and got some serious perspective. I’m sorry, but there is a huge difference between wanting love and breeding. Mean to say but true. I get lonely just thinking about settling down for the wrong reasons. That’s a dark place. There is nothing more brutal than being force fed the expectations of 30. Ugh! The old country adage “You can’t have wings and roots,” has never been truer. Being forced to choose is good. “Either or” implies a path while an absolute implies an ending. Like I said, I think I’m on my way.”
Online Parody; Dialogue between Brandon Lund and Mr. Chuckles the Clown: Social Observations as a humorist
Brandon: Hello Mr. Chuckles.
Mr. Chuckles the Clown: Why, hello Brandon.
Brandon: What are you doing here on my Studies page? Shouldn’t you be angsty and concerned over the amount of public mistruth being spread by parties unknown.
Mr. Chuckles the Clown: I have these new pages (here) also that I would like to share with your readers. They are one of a kind works of art. I love a good singing contest through the public and this is what I sound like when I babble. Have a look and see me when I’m out and about. I wrote it down and this is what I sound like sometimes when I’m strolling through life, hanging out by myself, what have you. Why not enjoy the ditties! But you better watch out for the Big Notes!
Micro Story: A small interview that took place while crossing Pershing Square
I have often referred to Los Angeles here on my website because I lived there for about ten years. The Los Angeles Metro is an okay way to get around and there is a metro stop downtown (Pershing Square). While enroute to somewhere else, I noticed a muralist filling in a piece of empty space downtown. I asked him if he would let me see the sketch that he was transforming into a mural. He was very nice and he told me a lot about what he was doing and how he had gotten permission to do the piece. I wasn’t sure if it was great art in the making so I took a few pictures (with his consent) and went on with my day. Have a look and tell me what you think.

I have a new topic for this page, again, something extra: Extra, Extra! I curated my comic books today and I wanted to post it here because I think this picture is a good piece to share with my readers online. Here is how the piece goes: “Superman is in the margins this time because Flash is #1!”
Obviously, I’ve grouped the comic books according to the characters found in the Justice League and they are all relatively key, interesting comic books so I thought the full picture said something about me through comic books and I wanted to share it here online as a curator.