6 issues left of The Time Testing Tale Told: 5 in downtown Omaha, 1 in my personal collection (and 4 display copies).
About 13 years ago I did a small print for the Alternative Press Expo in San Francisco CA. 30 copies total. That is all I believed I could sell and all I created. I am down to my last 6 issues and every copy is accounted for through either salesmanship or promotional reasons. All in all, if you have a copy of The Time Testing Tale Told, you should keep it; it won’t do your collection any harm (for what it’s worth). The scarcity of the print is due to appreciation, by me, instead of the lack of appreciation, by me. Every copy is accounted for as a print, which makes them collectibles. Again, I kept them until they sold. If you have one, it is YOUR money, NOT mine. The running tally is this: 20 issues sold or distributed, 5 on sale in downtown Omaha, 1 in my personal collection and 4 display copies that are used for salesmanship. That’s my schpeel on turning prints into collectibles. It is just something I figured out about the comic book industry that I wanted to share here online.
P.S. If you live in Omaha, the books can be found at 13th Street Coffee &Tea Company with the other great books written by local authors!